About us

INTA is a pioneering company at the forefront of diagnostic technology, leveraging advanced nanoelectronics, biotechnology and AI. Founded in 2020 as a deep-tech spin-off from Scuola Normale Superiore and CNR-NANO, INTA focuses on developing innovative solutions for rapid and accurate biosensing.

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Who we are and what we offer
  • Versatile technology for molecular diagnostics
  • Nanotechnology-based product development
  • Artificial intelligence algorithms for diagnostics
  • Investment opportunity

INTA Systems is the first spinoff of the National Research Council of Italy (CNR-NANO) and “Scuola Normale Superiore" University of Pisa. INTA operates inside the NEST laboratory in Pisa, a research center focused on nanoscience and nanotechnology.

INTA develops and produces ultrasensitive lab-on-a-chip for the portable and rapid analysis of fluids. The main applications are biomedicine, security, industry 4.0, and food analysis. The patented lab-on-a-chip can detect a wide gamut of analytes (e.g., proteins, antibodies, nucleic acids, virus, bacteria) in few minutes and without the need of specialized facilities.

INTA combines knowledge from condensed-matter physics, nanostructures fabrication, innovative techniques for the bioconjugation of molecules, and data analysis based on artificial intelligence algorithms.

Vision of the future

Our vision is to revolutionize the field of diagnostics by making sophisticated, portable, and cost-effective diagnostic tools accessible to everyone, everywhere. We aim to enhance global health outcomes and reduce unnecessary medical procedures through our cutting-edge technology.

Our mission

Our mission is to develop and commercialize advanced diagnostic devices that provide rapid, reliable, and affordable results. We strive to address critical health challenges, such as traumatic brain injuries, and extend our solutions to various sectors including environmental monitoring, food analysis, and security.

Our Team
Matteo Agostini
CEO & Co-founder
Marco Cecchini
Co-founder / Tech Adv.
Marco Calderisi
Co-founder / Data Science Adv.
Alessandro Scatà
Micaela Antonaci
Matteo Lucarelli
Electronics Engineer
Alessandro Lazzeri
Head of Data Science
Lorenzo Grizzo
Data Analyst
Federica Trivarelli
Lab Director
Maria Laura Ermini
Principal Scientist
Francesco Lunardelli
PhD Candidate
Sara La Camera
What the people say about us
Anna Amati
Partner of EUREKA! Venture SGR

We are pleased to have met Matteo and the INTA's team. These days we could appreciate the commitment, competence, and passion of the team to bring their research results on the market. We strongly believe that this technology will have a deep and durable impact worldwide.

Giovanni Polidori
of the Investment Committee of A11 Venture

A crystal-clear need, relevant feedbacks from opinion-leaders of the clinical environments and also from the market. Besides, a wide gamut of potential applications of the technology with tailored artificial intelligence solutions for clinics, commitment, and competence of the team, excellence of the academic environment, these are just a few of the reasons behind our investment.

Fabio Beltram
Director of the NEST Laboratory

A textbook example, rarely seen in Italy: from a research project for quantum-cryptography founded by the EU, novel biomedical technology has been developed. Thanks to the multidisciplinary environment which permeates the NEST Laboratory, excellent researchers from “Scuola Normale Superiore” and CNR-NANO could give birth to this technology working side-by-side. This novel architecture for biomedical diagnostics has massive potential. We strongly believe that this will be just the beginning of a success story!

Cristina Battaglia
head of the Technology Transfer Office of CNR

The commitment of CNR is clear to bring value and new professional horizons for CNR technologies and researchers. This has been made possible thanks to key collaborations with important institutions as the "Scuola Normale Superiore”. The investment of Eureka! Venture and A11 Venture is the first fundamental result that stems from the determination and quality of the INTA’s team. It will create value and new perspectives for this amazing technology


