Cookie and Privacy Policy

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small text file that is placed on your computer when you visit a website. Cookies record information about browsing or online behavior.

What are cookies used for?

The cookies used on a site are used to distinguish the user from other users and therefore allow better navigation and obtain more suitable services.

In practice, the owner of the site, through cookies, can authenticate and identify users, improve their navigation and access to the various features but also present advertisements and promotional offers according to the specific browsing behavior of each user.

Cookies also allow you to process statistics on the use of the site with the possibility of offering an increasingly easier navigation.

These tools make it possible to identify and collect user connection data (date, time, Internet address, computer protocol, etc.), save browsing behavior (in particular the pages consulted), study the audience they consult the site, in order to present targeted promotional and advertising offers based on users' browsing behavior, needs and interests.

The user can allow, refuse or define the type of cookies that can be installed on his computer.

The INTA systems website uses cookies.

INTA systems, aware of the substantial importance of the use of cookies, reports below

Information on the use of cookies

Cookie Policy

This information on the use of cookies is intended for users of the SITE, that is to say to all people who access and browse the SITE.

To improve user navigation on the SITE, "technical" and "profiling" cookies are installed on their computers.

We also use cookies that allow you to examine the preferences of the public visiting the SITE.

In addition, some features of the SITE (sharing of content on social networks, direct video playback) install cookies that allow third-party websites to monitor user browsing.

On the other hand, third parties can install cookies on users' devices to allow them to send targeted advertising based on interests and preferences.

The installation of cookies on the computer is not automatic but requires the user's consent

How to check and possibly accept or reject

It is possible to consult further information on the cookies to be installed and then accept or reject them, both at a general level for the whole SITE and services, or for each individual service.

By default, by continuing to browse the SITE, you automatically consent to the installation of the cookies described below. However, it is possible to revise the consent at any time and to REFUSE the installation of individual cookies.

Learn more about cookies, how they work and how to reject them.

What cookie does the SITE use?

The SITE uses 3 types of cookies: (internal, analytical and profiling.

Internal cookies, which are necessary for the correct functioning of the SITE. These cookies allow the SITE to function optimally by improving user navigation.

Name of the cookie Purpose of the cookie Duration
cookie_noticed_accepted Allows you to hide the cookie consent banner 1 month
Lang Allows you to change language on multilingual pages & nbsp;
Has_js Tells the website if the user's browser uses javascript & nbsp;
JSESSIONID Session cookies on the "news" page & nbsp;
Player, vuid Video player cookie 2 years

The internal cookie can be rejected and removed from the browser settings. However, the browsing experience could be altered.

How can you refuse the installation of these cookies or remove them?

On your computer, smartphone or other Internet access device, your browser is set by default to accept website cookies.

However, you can control the installation of these cookies. In fact, in addition to being able to disable cookies by following the instructions contained in this document, it is also possible to configure the navigation browser in order to:

  • accept or reject the cookies on the SITE
  • systematically refuse all cookies
  • enable the consent request for each cookie detected while browsing the Internet.

To do this, follow the steps below for your browser.

For example:

  • In Internet Explorer & trade; : Tools menu â–º Internet Options â–º Privacy Tab â–º set the desired level
  • In Firefox & trade; : Tools menu â–º Options â–º Privacy tab â–ºchoose the desired options
  • In Chrome & trade; : configuration menu (settings logo) â–º Settings â–º Advanced â–º Content settings â–º choose the desired options
  • In Safari & trade; : Safari (settings logo) â–º Preferences â–º Security â–º View cookies â–ºchoose the desired options
  • In Opera & trade; : Tools menu â–º Preferences â–º Advanced tab â–º Cookies â–º Cookie management â–ºchoose the desired options

As indicated above, if you choose to block the technical and functional cookies of the SITE, the navigation of the SITE and / or the use of some of its functions could be altered.

Profiling Cookies

In order to adapt the SITE to the requests and needs of users, the Google Analytics tool is used which measures the number of visits of each user, the pages visited, the activity conducted and the frequency of visits to the site.

Google Analytics generates the cookies described on:

Name of the cookie Purpose Duration
_ga It allows to measure the visitors of the SITE 2 years
_gid Allows you to store and update a unique value for each page visited on the SITE 1 day
_gat Allows you to limit the demand rate and data collection on high traffic sites 1 minute

Google Analytics: Agree / Reject: Find out more

Installation time

In any case, the lifespan of the cookies installed on the computer, or any other element that allows the user to be identified for statistical or advertising purposes, is a maximum of 13 months. This duration is not automatically extended on subsequent visits by users to the SITE. On the other hand, the frequency data associated with an identifier will be deleted or made anonymous.

User rights

Pursuant to Legislative Decree 196/2003 updated to Legislative Decree 101/2018 and of the GDPR , users have the following rights:

  • Right of access (Article 15 RGPD), right of rectification (Article 16 RGPD), right to update and complete data
  • Right of cancellation or removal of Personal Data (Article 17 of the GDPR) if they are inaccurate, incomplete, ambiguous, obsolete or if their collection, use, communication or storage is prohibited < / li>
  • Right to withdraw consent at any time (Article 13-2c GDPR)
  • Right to restrict the processing of personal data (Article 18 of the GDPR)
  • Right to object to the processing of Personal Data (Article 21 RGPD)
  • Right to portability of the Data provided , when such data are subject to automated processing based on consent or on a contract (Article 20 of the GDPR)
  • Right to determine the processing of Personal Data after death and authorization (or not) to communicate the Data to previously designated third parties.

In the event of the death of the interested party and in the absence of instructions regarding the use of his personal data, INTA systems will arrange for their destruction, except in cases where it is necessary to keep them for evidential purposes or to comply with legal obligations.


